Well the first Wobblymouse selling event has occurred, I went to support my friend 'the Jingles' who was holding a charity event and wanted some stalls. The event was for NOFAS - a support group for families and children who experience the effects of foetal alcohol syndrome (www.nofas-uk.org).
So wobblymouse and chum CD went to support and for the first public showing (not friends or family) of my craftiness. I was feeling rather scared of what people would say about my attempts at making things, and that no one would buy anything. I decided that we would also supply some little plants to the plant stall, some spider plant babies that mum mouse and I had potted up a few weeks previously.
We arrived with many boxes of different cards - birthday, easter, thank you, get well, thinking of you and blank for your own message in a mixture of true wobblymouse invention, some with photographs others with brought to be put together with a few extras (Hunkydory) kits.
There was also a box of scarves - on the hottest day of the year so far!
And a few additions - candles and wine charms, plus hubby's photographs all packaged up.

A very good band were playing - Encore, and the sun shone. Luckily Starbucks were also supporting the morning so we were able to have caffine to add confidence, or hyperactivity which is what I find happens now after many years of drinking decaf or Redbush. Plus the WI had a cake stall which added great cakes and sugar into the mix.
After setting up and realising that I didn't quite have the right selection of display boxes, the cards were too heavy for my display flower, and we needed paper clips to make the price labels stay put, plus some other labels to make things make sense I began to breath more easily.
I'm not sure if saying to our first customer "Are you sure?" was the best selling technique but time past and we sold, some photographs, easter cards, a couple of thank you and birthday cards, a couple of boxes of wine charms and even a scarf. We didn't win the raffle or guess the name of the bear, however a good time was had by all and the event over all made nearly £600.
What did I learn - it's hard to put an appropriate value on your own hand made items as you are too invested in them. Different display boxes are needed to group cards more clearly, people like to know where photographs were taken and better labeling is important to avoid misunderstandings. Most of all having a freind with you is invaluable, thank you wobblymouse chum CD!
Most of all it was good fun, generally people are very nice and enjoy a bit of chatter. Will I do it again - yes and supporting and giving money to a good cause is a great way to use my craftiness.