
Well what a gorgeous walk I had to see my Gran - the queen B at the weekend. After getting off the train and seeing the sun shining I thought seeing as I'm giving up not exercising for lent, I would walk rather than get the bus.

My decision was well rewarded by the beauty that I saw along the way. Daffodils lifting the faces to the sun, pink cherry blossom gently blowing in the wind.
This beautiful Magnolia reminded me of the one in my grandparents garden. It was stunning every year and had gotten so big. I wonder if the new owners of their home are enjoying it this spring.
The music on my phone helped me pace out the couple of miles I had to go. Mostly I was listening to The Instant Classical Collection, with a bit of Caro Emerald, Christina Perri, Nina Simone, Bon Jovi, Paulo Nutini, Lady Antebellum, and the Wicked and Les Mis sound tracks thrown in for good measure.
Although realising that you are singing along at the top of your lungs as you walk is rather interesting! At least it explains some of the odd looks that I got.
The sunshine, the music and the beauty that I saw along the way as I took my walk up the main road really made a wonderful interlude in my day. Much better for the soul than the bus. Look at what I would have missed, all the beauty of nature showing itself to remind us that winter is passing and new life is beginning again. We should put the dark in our hearts away and move into the light.
Then to top off my walk I arrived at the queen B's and spent time catching up and drinking tea.